Fiberglass vs. Metal Materials for Fencing

non-conductive fenceMetal fences have been the standard for many years, but as technologies and industries advanced, the need for a new type of fence became apparent. Power plants and facilities such as airports called for fencing that provided security while also meeting their particular conductivity requirements.

Fences that allow for the seamless and easy transmission of radio and microwaves while at the same time being an electrically non-conductive fence are now needed. Too easily, a fence made of metal will interfere with radio signals. Even direr, metal fences have to be entirely and effectively grounded before they can be considered safe around electrical facilities such as sub-stations. Fiberglass fences do not need to be grounded and are RF transparent so that they won’t disrupt the transmission of electronic or radio signals such as radar or instrument landing systems at airports.

Fences that do not conduct electricity, like the ones we produce at Fiberfence, are the go-to choice when you are looking for a safe, easy to maintain, and durable option.

Not only do fiberglass fences not conduct energy, but they do not conduct heat either, so on a blistering summer day, you can safely touch them if you need to for maintenance or another purpose. Also, speaking of maintenance, fiberglass does not corrode, so you do not have to worry about it rusting away over time.

These fences are safe, affordable, and long-lasting. What’s not to like? A non-conductive fence is the solution for areas where the transmission of electricity and radio waves is a problem. Fiberfence offers this product to all.