Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Ranch Fencing

cow behind a white fenceWooden fences have always been a critical part of a ranch or farm. For ranchers, they’re essential for keeping livestock where they belong, keeping them safe, and protecting them from predators. Farmers, however, rely on fences to keep their crops safe from outside threats. Inevitably, all fences will begin to wear down in the face of weather and time and need to be replaced with new ranch fencing in Texas. When you begin to notice any of these signs, it’s time to replace your fencing.

Leaning Fences

Leaning fences can’t be straightened. This generally happens when the fence posts become weak, and it’s a sign that the fence will soon face extra problems, such as warping or broken boards.

Animals Are Getting Through

This is an easy one. It’s one of the biggest signs that it’s time for new farm or ranch fencing. Animals should never be able to get through a fence. The whole point of having a fence is to keep horses, cows, and other livestock where they belong.

Broken Or Missing Boards

A damaged fence looks really untidy, and because it’s also no longer structurally sound, it could even be unsafe. Additionally, all the benefits of having a fence are lost if it’s riddled with vulnerable spots.